


Thanks Becky, my mother in law, who gave this ticket as our wedding gift, and Mr. monkey's great idea of exploring Asia, which bring me a great opportunity to experience the beauty of Asia.


在網上查了資料做完功課後,發現越南落地簽的經驗分享有點參差不齊,有很多經驗是海關會刁難要多收費用,讓我心驚驚啊!後來我們選擇這個網站 申請快速辦理落地簽,只是要多付一些費用,原本落地簽單次入境一個月僅需US$17,快速通關要再加US$24,加上落地還要有個印花稅(stamping fee)US$25,總共一個人付了US$66;原本還覺得有點貴,但一到申請櫃檯就有專人幫忙辦理,雖然我們還是等了20分鐘,只是比起身旁比我們早到卻目送我們離開的人,也算值得了!

The next thing need to deal with after ticket might be VISA , and I am happy that both of us need to apply VISA to entry Vietnam, after all I am usually the only one who need to apply VISA to entry a bunch of countries while traveling which making me feel a bit jealous.😏

After doing some research, we decide to apply the express VISA via this website , which need to pay $24/ person extra than regular $17/ person for single entry and 1 month stay VISA, which is more convenient with someone who help out for u and get it done faster. The required documents for immigration referencing as bellow.



  1. 1.效期6個月以上的護照Passport with least 6 month’s validity counting from date of arrival
  2. 2.填好出入境申請表 Fill out the form of entry/exit     
  3. 3.4 x 6 cm大頭照兩張(白色背景,因為台灣沒有4 x 6cm的規格,我們是用5 x 5cm的照片順利通關,也有人用2吋照片通關喔)2 photos of 4x6 cm, recently taken in color with white background, front view, bade head, without sunglasses (01 photo on the entry/exit form and the other separate; since it's not common to have photo in 4x6 cm size, we use 5x5 cm instead which also worked.)
  4. 4.簽證紙本(官方建議黑白列印) The printed copy of official visa approval letter, black and white printing is sufficient.    
  5. 5.現金給付印花稅Cash for stamp fee
  • 單次入境停留1-3個月Single entry for 1-3 months stay: US$25
  • 多次入境停留1-3個月Multiple entry for 1-3 months stay: US$50
  • 多次入境停留1年Multiple entry for 1 year stay: US$150


搞定簽證順利通關後,準備好好的渡假啦!我們這次總共停留7天,第一天抵達越南已經九點多,通關、搭車到飯店已經十點多十一點啦!這次我們是在Agoda訂的飯店,前三天我們都住Blessing 1 Saigon Hotel,房間很簡單乾淨,費用也很可愛,三晚才NT3,573,附近有個市場,很多觀光飯店,也滿多便利商店,整體而言是個方便的地區!而第一天到飯店安頓好之後也晚了,我們就到附近小市集覓食,聞到濃濃烤肉味,二話不說就坐在街旁的攤位,大啖第一餐正港越南料理!

Time for relax after settle down in Blessing 1 Saigon Hotel which booked from Agoda with around US$119 for 3 nights. The room is clean, there are market, food, convenient store, massage place, travel agency nearby the hotel which is really convenient. Since it's late after settle down, we grabbed some street food with BBQ pork, chicken and rice to end up the day.












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